June: It’s Official…

This is a story of a family who decided to make a change…part 1 of our journey can be found here.

A lessons learned…you are never as far along with packing things as you think you are.

Here we go…the movers come on Tuesday and we are officially North Carolinians on Saturday.

We used ABF U-Pack for our move and hired movers for the loading and unloading.  Our rent house would not be ready until mid-July so we needed our trailers to be stored for a bit.  It worked out well.  It took 1 and ¾ trailer for all of our stuff…keep in mind we sold the media room furniture, office furniture, and workout equipment to the people that bought our Houston home so we easily would have filled that second trailer and perhaps then some.


I worked alongside the packers.  I thought I was in good shape regarding my packing status but I quickly found out I underestimated what was left.  As I tell this next story keep in mind that The Husband was in another state and I was left to my own devices…that is never a good thing.

I realized the washer and dryer were still hooked up and I thought we needed to have them ready to go or the loaders would not touch them.  I start disconnecting hoses from the washer and water goes EVERYWHERE and starts flooding the laundry room and it is quickly moving toward the dining room and kitchen where boxes are stacked…oh and did I mention the new buyers are due to arrive within the hour.

I’m in the laundry room and screaming “HELP”, “SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!”  I kid you not.  I was freaking out!


Luckily the loaders heard me and came running, we shut the water off and heck if I knew where the shut off was, but alas it was found.  I unpacked the shop-vac and began cleanup.

It got done before the buyers arrived, thank goodness, and there may have been a few tears involved while talking to The Husband that evening, apparently I had reached my breaking point.  Then I bought all the guys pizza for dinner.

Wednesday the cleaners came and I got screwed on that little venture.  They attempted to gouge me after we already agreed on a reasonable price.  I’m not going to dwell on the negative but I will leave you with this…if I pay for your cleaning services…I expect vacuum tracks buddy!

The boys were finishing up their final week at school and we stayed at a LaQuinta about 20 minutes away.  Here is there last day picture in front of the fountain at LaQuinta.


Finally, on Thursday I did my final walk-through at the house, left a note welcoming the new owners, and said good bye to the house that kept us safe for 8 years.

Saturday morning the three of us were on a plane for the next chapter of our lives.

We arrived in North Carolina greeted by The Husband and this…

We dropped our stuff at the apartment and went exploring.

Everything was green and there were trees everywhere and hills.  It was beautiful.

We went and stalked the rent house.  I fell hard.

Apex Community Park


We had 7 weeks until our house would be available for move in so we continued to stay in the one bedroom The Husband had rented when he moved in March.  It was fully furnished and only one other person had stayed in it before us.  It was quite nice…but small for a family of four.  The kids loved it though…the pool was right outside of our balcony and they got to sleep in the living room on the couch and the floor…in other words it was a slumber party every night.  Needless to say they adapted quite nicely.


We spent a lot of time at the apartment pool…which seemed to be frequented by fresh out of college or young career types.  Sage made a friend Scarlett…she was in college.  Fun fact…her mother named all of the kids after colors.

Both boy’s celebrated their birthday in that apartment.


Three more weeks and we are “home”.

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